I asked my mom for Tinker-Toys,
I thought she understood.
But here’s a box of Thinker-Toys--
Oh, this does not look good!
Instead of spools and wheels and discs
And little wooden poles,
There’s just a stack of paper cards
With printed “Thinking Goals.”
Like “Think about the summer rain,”
And “Think about the breeze,”
And “If a honeycomb could talk,
What would it tell the bees?”
This one card says to “Think alone,”
And one says “Think together,”
And here’s a good one: “Think about
The feelings of a feather.”
There’s “Think a little,” “Think a lot,”
And “Think of something more,”
And, naturally, there’s “Think of things
You’ve never thunk before.”
The “challenge” cards say “Think or Thwim™”
With riddles overboard!
But there’s no prize for winning,
‘Cause the thought’s its own reward.
And that is all--it’s just these cards!
The only other part
Is one small plastic “action” figure--
Some guy named Descartes.
I’m sure that Mom meant well with these,
Of that I have no doubt.
These Thinker-toys did make me think--
I think I’ll throw them out!