Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Battle

Softly and slowly, the winter wind moans. 
Chilly and frosty, it rattles your bones. 
It pierces the windows, it seeps ’neath the door. 
It slinks to the bedroom and creeps ’cross the floor.   

It’s off on the hunt as it stealthily flows. 
It’s after one target—your ten little toes! 
It searches in secret, just longing to clasp 
Your poor little toes in its icicle grasp!   

It finally finds them and springs to attack! 
But—wonder of wonders—your feet battle back! 
They’re armed and defended, all toasty and sunny, 
Each foot all wrapped up in a fuzzy pink bunny!   

Your best pair of slippers, beneath your warm pants— 
The wind whips and wails, but it won’t stand a chance. 
The bunnies are cute, and the bunnies are bold! 
Courageous and cuddly, they keep out the cold!   

So love them, and keep them as safe as can be. 
And if you have extras, please share them with me!

1 comment:

  1. Sure do need 'em in Philly,and my Apple Valley...
    Montgomery...not so much!
