Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Friendly Cat

Oh nobody’s cat is as friendly as mine--

She purrs and she cuddles and licks.

Whenever she sees me her eyes start to shine,

She dances and sings and does tricks.

She chases the flashlight, she sits in my lap,

She brings me the trinkets she’ll find.

She’ll often come join in my afternoon nap--

She’s happy to see me unwind.

She once made me pancakes with eggs on the side.

She once even polished my car.

When I went to Paris, she served as my guide--

Ma chat, c’est une chat très bizarre!

She redid my bathroom and unclogged the drain.

My taxes, she handled with ease.

She balanced my books in her kitty-sized brain,

And even made peace with her fleas.

Oh why is my cat such a good helpful friend?

I may never quite understand...

Most likely her kindness is merely pretend

To cover the evil she’s planned.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly HOPE SO!
    J'aime ce chat qui est un chat tre`s bizarre et mauvais!
