Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Know The Tune—Sing Along!

There’s a flavor in my sodee 
That I can’t identify, 
And it tastes so gross and grody, 
And I can’t imagine why!   

Oh I always thought a soft drink 
Should be bubbly and so sweet, 
But the one I’m drinking now, I think, 
Tastes like Thanksgiving meat!   

Salty and sav’ry! 
Juicy and plump! 
Kind of like gravy! 
Even has lumps!   

Tell me now before I count to ten— 
Who crammed all this turkey in my straw again?!?

1 comment:

  1. you are SO BRILLIANT! I mean I knew, and all, but I hadn't gotten a chance to check the blog, yet. Am now imprinted with PermaSmile (TM).
